tag: Bundle Addict: Pakaian Bundle Terpilih!: (BA-348) Powell Peralta 'Bones Brigade' Hoodie

(BA-348) Powell Peralta 'Bones Brigade' Hoodie

Brand: Powell Peralta
Type: Hoodie
Size: L (Measure fits L size)
Color: Grey
Condition: 95% (2 Front Pockets, Zip-up Hoodie)
Price: RM130.00
Unit: -
Link: Official Site / Wikipedia / Bones Brigade
Info: Powell Peralta officially formed in 1978 by George Powell and Stacy Peralta. Not too soon after they created a skate team called the Bones Brigade. Powell Peralta developed a unique style with a skeleton motif. The company had many famous riders, including the best skateboarder of all time, Tony Hawk.
